Yep, It's still hot here in DC. Today was a beautiful day...actually all this week was lovely (hot...but bearable). With the weather being a HOTT, I decided to give you a run down of products that I am loving right now:
Burt's Bees Honey Lip Balm- The smell of this alone keeps me reapplying it!! The texture is light and lovely. It leaves just a soft glisten on the lips with alot of moisture. Plus it's 99% natural!! This is great right before I hit the gym.
Bobbi Brown Lip Balm- Ok, I know that you are thinking 2 lipbalms, but I sleep with this one on at night. I know it's excessive, but it's my lips. LOL. I love this for night. I like it so much even the boyfriend wanted to try it, so now we both sleep with it on at night (he wears his in the day
3. Burt's Bees Naturally Ageless Intensive Repairing Serum- I read about this in a magazine earlier this week and decided to pick it up. It is formulated like a light oil. I prefer to do serums in the summer 'cause it's just so hot to do normal moisturizer. I put this on after I wash my face at the gym. The smell is awesome!! It is formulated with Pomegranate and Evening Primrose oils (there are actually alot of other oils in here as well), which helps to keep my skin youthful and glowing!! I went out for crabs with some friends on Friday and everyone was asking me what I was using on my skin. I even had a little breakout on the forehead, but I guess the glow was a distraction. Plus, its only 25 bucks, which is relatively cheap for a serum.
Brown Creamy Lipcolor in Rose Petal and Italian Rose- What can I say.....I love Bobbi!!! I love the texture of these lipsticks. They feel like a lipbalm going on, but they have sheer color payoff. This is a great formulation to try colors that you wouldn't normally wear like pinks and corals. Rose Petal like a natural pink on me. Italian Rose makes me look a little more refined. They both offer a sheer wash of color with excellent texture. I actually love all the colors, but I find myself wearing these two most often.
5. Vaseline Cocoa Butter Smoothing Body Butter- I get excited to take a shower, because I know I will be applying this shortly afterward!!! I love it. When I buy it, I have to purchase like 3 at a time!!. That's how fast I run through these, I keep one at the house, one for the gym bag, and one for the boyfriend's gym bag (he love it too....he's slowly turning into a metro). I love the glisten and the slip that it leaves on my skin.
OPI MOD Nail Lacquers in Greenwich Village(green), "It"(neon yellow), and That's Hot Pink- I love bright nail polish!! I only wear bright colors on my toes, but it looks so cute and summery when I wear open toed shoes. There's nothing better than sporting a cute pair of pumps with neon colored nail polish.